
In 2015 & 2020, ECW staff received training from the Canadian Standards Association to quantify and reduce greenhouse gas emissions according to the international standard ISO 14064. Since then, ECW has worked with municipalities in southwestern New Brunswick to understand their greenhouse gas emissions. Utilizing the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Partners for Climate Protection Program framework, four area municipalities have established a reduction target of 20% below 2015 levels by 2030. In 2017, ECW began working with four local municipalities to complete the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Partners for Climate Change Protection Program (PCP). 

In 2019, ECW completed a series of Local Action Plans, milestone 3 of the PCP Program framework. These local action plans included corporate and community greenhouse gas inventories, reduction targets and mitigation actions that municipalities can take to reduce their emissions overtime.

In 2021, ECW worked alongside the Town of Saint Andrews to create a GHG inventory and a Local Action Plan to reduce corporate sector emissions.

Partners for Climate Protection

GHG Infographic.png

The PCP program consists of a five milestone approach that begins by developing a greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventory for both the municipality, and the homes and businesses therein. under the PCP program by developing the Town’s GHG emissions inventory, a forecast of GHG emissions, emissions reduction targets, and to initiate the development of a Local Action Plan for both the corporation and the community. The corporate GHG inventory was developed by gathering various datasets for buildings, streetlights, vehicle fleet, water and sewage, and solid waste. The community GHG inventory was developed by gathering various datasets for the municipalities' residential, commercial, industrial, transportation and waste sectors.

Greenhouse gas reduction model for regional transportation in southwestern New Brunswick (2020)

GHG Quantification Training

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With support from the Canada-NB Job Grant, ECW staff received training from the Canadian Standards Association on ISO 14064: Quantifying Greenhouse Gases. The training was conducted over multiple days in September, 2015 and resulted in ECW staff members being certified as Greenhouse Gas Inventory Quantifiers (GHG-IQ). 

The training was utilized to design and deliver an ISO compliant GHG mitigation service. This service remains available to any organization that would like to better understand and ultimately reduce their energy usage. 

The greenhouse gas management program has received support from New Brunswick Environment and Local Government, and New Brunswick Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.

Greenhouse gas emissions of Charlotte County municipalities for Blacks Harbour, Grand Manan, St. George, St. Stephen, & Saint Andrews.

Local Action Plans for Charlotte County Municipalities.